Expressions for Date Fields

Define a Report Criteria Expression for a date field:

  1. Locate the field for which you want to specify report criteria.

  2. Choose one of the following options:

    • To specify a date range from available prompts, select is within or is not within.

      • Selecting is within allows you to select a date range.

        For example: Target Date is within Next 14 Days.

      • Selecting is not within allows you to select a date range that should be excluded.

        For example: Target Date is not within Next 30 Days.

    • To enter a specific date or date range, without using available prompts, select from one of the additional options displayed:

      • Selecting is allows you to select a date.

        For example: Target Date is 09/01/2008.

      • Selecting is between prompts you to enter two dates to define your own date range.

        For example: Target Date is between 09/15/2008 and 09/30/2008.

      • Selecting is not between prompts you to enter two dates to define a date range to exclude.

        For example: Target Date is not between 09/15/2008 and 09/30/2008.

      • Selecting is after allows you to enter the date that the field value should follow.

        For example: Target Date is after 09/01/2008.

      • Selecting is before allows you to enter a date that the field value should precede.

        For example: Target Date is before 09/01/2008.

      • Selecting is not allows you to enter a date to exclude.

        For example: Target Date is not 09/01/2008.

        Dates can be entered as mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/yyyy, or m/d/yy. For example, September 1st, 2008 can be entered as 09/01/2008 or 9/1/08.

  3. Enter or select the appropriate date values.

    • To select an available date range for expressions based on is within or is not within, select the appropriate value from the field.

      Refer to the section on Date Range Prompts for additional explanations of the options available.

    • To specify a single date for expressions based on is, is not, is before, or is after, enter the date.

    • To specify multiple dates for expressions based on is between and is not between, enter two dates.

  4. Specify criteria for additional fields as needed.